Deep Transformation Network

DTN (Deep Transformation Network) has big discussions by lots of people. Up to 250 people may attend their next monthly meeting on Tuesday at 1:00pm PT. I intend to be there — they’re going to be talking about the COP. First, they have a half hour of presentations, then break-out rooms, then a general discussion. It may be a bit big for all of that, but I’m curious what they’ve got to say and how successful they’ll be with so many people. With their well laid-out and extensive website, people engage deeply when they can. People get on each others’ wavelength throughout the month, and then get together once a month. I know there’s a lot more there than I found but I put in a couple of posts, one of which I thought to share with you. This is what I wrote:

Big discussions here, and more to come on Tuesday. Please, allow me to add a few things — big things have happened recently:

I walked up Glastonbury Tor at the dark of the Moon and received validation of connection with the Galactic Centre;

I attended Making Wyrd the Norm, a course about Science & Consciousness by Ubiquity University. There is more going on in “reality” than what we see.

At the conference, I shared stories of my life with John Oliver, a film-maker []. Because he was inspired, it’s longer than any of his other films (27 minutes). In it I talk about Our Heart Gardens [], a global network of indoor community gardens, and the Stones of Peace, a promise given to me by Mother Earth. 

The story of how I received my purpose in life is being released in December in Sacred Stories’ Common Sentience volume: Ascension by William Henry. As a teenager, in a moment of crisis I spoke words that came through me, not from me: “I will speak for You, when the time is right.” Because of that…

I walked up Mount Sinai under the full Moon with the Stones of Peace holding the intention that Her Promise be heard, hoping that I could help balance the Divine Masculine (10 Commandments) and the Divine Feminine (Promise of Peace).

…and then, on my way home, I got food poisoning. It took me another week to resume moderating the AfterChat of Humanity Rising. That’s where I spend my weekday mornings. Join us, if you like… register at They’ll send you emails each morning with the link to the day’s webinar. In the chat of the webinar will be the invitation to join the AfterChat when the session ends. 

Humanity Rising began when the lockdown commenced; hosted by Jim Garrison of Ubiquity University. The AfterChat started on day 60 (“Connecting the Dots”) when Stanley Pokras put an invitation in the chat. That day 15 people showed up in his Zoom Room; we’ve been meeting ever since after every episode (600 on Thursday & Stan’s birthday!) Sometimes the panelists join us. We’d love to welcome you.

Stan also created, a wiki that holds all HR episodes, the speakers, the AfterChats, the chats from both Zooms, etc. If you want a page, contact Stan. I hope you’ll come and connect some dots with the rest of us too. 

On December 10 at 8am in Stan’s AfterChat Zoom Room I’ll be doing a Deep Dive into the journey.  And on Tuesdays from 6-8pm PT I open Gaia’s Zoom Room at Let’s share some stories, and have some fun!


So that’s it… I could have mentioned that back in 2015 I found myself in Paris during COP21, on the way to Rotterdam for COM21, the Conference of Movements we arranged in juxtaposition to the COP — an interesting synchrony. There’s definitely something wyrd going on…