OhGs! The Vision

 Dance without choreography is chaos — adding music and shared intention, beautiful patterns and expressions emerge. In OhGs around the World our shared intentions (and music!) create unique patterns that help us hear, heal and support each other, our children, our crops and our cultures. Traditional skills and artists of myriad kinds are honoured; music, wisdom, knowledge and stories mix with the innocence and joy of children; we’re glad to have good things to do and friends close by.

People who are gainfully employed, supporting the systems that support us all, are welcomed and appreciated. Their contributions enable a wider variety of desires to be met. As part of OhGs programs, they manage the stresses of their days and are helpful, full of joy, laughter, challenge and accomplishment. Others bring awareness, wisdom and awe; together, we seek to meet and exceed the needs of all.

The 3C Joys are co-creation, connection and contribution, with a liberal sprinkling of ceremony and celebration. We are grateful to and for our Earth, the Mother of us all, and tend Her with willing hands.