A Future Story of One City…

This is a future story of one city, among many… I tell a story now of a time just a few years in the future; a story about the Golden Innovation that gave cityfolk a new lifestyle choice and created abundance for all as governments and corporate structures...

Butler Urban Farm – OhGs! My (Hi)story

Back in June 2015, the first seeds in the soil of Butler Urban Farm (at the corner of Clapperton & Wilson, Kamloops, BC, Canada) were sown by Barbara Lundstrom and me. Responding to inquiries asking “What happened back then?” I offer the following… Now, 7 years...

A Strawberry MOM

Thank you to whoever set 5 strawberry starts on the curb at the junction of the Rivers Trail along the North Thompson beside Schubert Drive, at Kent Street where the path continues and the road ends. I would like you to know that they are well loved, and growing...