The Now What?! 6 Conversations of Peter Block were the subject 2 weeks ago (May 3) (Tuesdays in Gaia’s Zoom Room at from 6-8pm Pacific). I said I would share more when I learned more. I also said I couldn’t be here the next Tuesday because I’d be flying back home to Kamloops BC. The Invitation Conversation is the 1st of the 6 Conversations; that no-one accepted the invitation doesn’t make it invalid. It underscores the importance of me being present – we had a full Zoom Room on Tuesday May 10! It also suggests benefits of a personal Ownership conversation with respect to the OhGs concept and the need to encourage others’ response-ability.

After a warm opening, I said, “Today I want to paint a picture for you, and invite you to set your imaginations free… in a conversation of Possibility!”  I read a description of Our Heart Gardens and asked, “What difference in your life would result from establishment of an OhGs in your community?”

The Now What?! Possibility Conversation distinguishes between possibility and problem solving. Rather than an opportunity to offer advice or help, “Possibility is a future beyond reach. The Possibility Conversation can evolve from a discussion of personal crossroads. It takes the form of a declaration, best made publicly.”  The Questions offered by Now What?! include:

  • What is the crossroads you are faced with at this point in time?
  • What declaration of possibility can you make that has the power to transform the community and inspire you?

and we were off – no other Conversation got introduced because the subject was rich enough to keep the discussion vibrant. There was a point when I acknowledged we were not following the rules but it was valuable to me; others agreed. The other Conversations considered by Now What?!, besides Invitation, Possibility, and Ownership (a subject mentioned above) include: Dissent, Commitment and Gifts.

I perceived a need to imagine more deeply how life-changing the establishment of OhGs in our communities can be; personally, and at all other levels. For example, while one of us, being challenged by illness, age, stress and solitude, could easily see many benefits; others with currently secure life situations could see few personal benefits. It was acknowledged that fresh food grown locally, and generously available, was needed, as was sheltering our crops and kids… and there are so many more benefits that remain unrealized. It’s a beginning…

So is this! Find out what’s in the buckets, sprouting this year at the Butler Urban Farm; the place becoming the first Our Heart Garden, I imagine…