Stymied by tech once again, Joan and I abandoned attempts to open my personal Zoom Room and went over to for our daily connection. Ximena, Marco and Alan were wowed by our arrival — they had just been talking about me and Our Heart Gardens. MOM summoned us!

To honour MOM’s guiding Hands, we shared stories of times MOM had a Hand in our lives. The unexpected magical miracles, digital and otherwise, led me to express my conviction that we need to write about these happenings; they are so easily forgotten. Some are burned into our memories, but others are lost in the whitewater of our current Rivers of Time.

The stories we swapped! Marco told us about a visitation while he worked at a mushroom farm that culminated in a promise of a return visit from a being that disappeared through a wall. They had the whole conversation telepathically! I told of my dream that motivates me to write – the Driving Dream that ends with me trying to answer the question, “How did you get here?” posed by people in a future time. Ximena reminded us of stories she’s told of multiple MOMs that have guided her to doing and being the amazing woman she is. Joan and Alan had their own stories to add to the mix too — it was awe-inspiring!

The best part, for me, was that I recalled the Book of MOM I put together a few years ago, and the realization that it may have potential beyond my own stories. Breadcrumbs, stories of MOM that influenced my life, could fit in it, and others’ stories too. I love this inspiration and I look forward to seeing how it develops!

It was revealed that MOM brought us in to celebrate – it was exactly one year ago that the “campfire” was lit at Since then they’ve been talking good stuff almost 24/7!!  Yay! Jamen, Marco, Ximena, Christopher— and others, now including Alan, with his wonderful accent… You are all wonderful examples of POP, the Power Of passionate People. I’m proud to participate with you in my own way. Thank you for your warm welcome and inspiring conversations.