Jeffrey Davis says: “Your genius character strengths are those traits that have been with you since you were born that are activated when you’re most alive, free, and flourishing.”

I’ve been following Jeffrey since 2014. He writes about Tracking Wonder. I do too, in my own way…

I write about the Magic in Ordinary Moments 
(MOM) and recently I’ve had a few
I’d like to share with you.

Today I got an email from Jeffrey Davis at Tracking Wonder.
Yesterday I completed the video that presents a recording I made
the day before… sitting in the chilly sunshine I realized that I could work
with YouTube’s transcript to present the words
in a different way, so you could savour…
or gulp the gift as it suits you.
We all like to do it our own way and,
if you like it this way, you might like to try it another…  
(that’s the link to the YouTube video, with the pictures and
captions, with the song of the city backing me up.)

I noticed as I worked with the words that MOM was working with me…
1 2 3… !!   Below in the Transcript you’ll see!!
MOM accented statements with special timestamps.
I love numbers and I love the way MOM leads me to see!
Makes it fun to Track Wonder… It’s WonderFun!

My “genius character strengths” are manifest
When noticing and sharing MOM!
Thanks, Jeffrey!

Chilly Beach: MOM musings’ Transcript

I’m sitting on the
beach in the chilly sunshine
taking a few minutes with the One we are

and I give thanks to my Great Father ~
Our Great Father
Who shines on us every day of Our Lives

and I give gratitude to my Great Mother ~
Our Great Mother
for giving me the matter that matters to me
~ ALL of the matter

and the spark that was struck  [ 1:23  The spark is struck, and we’re off…! ]
in the agreements made
by Sun and Planet
to create life ~

and it was good
and then it was bad
and then it was good again

and each time it got bad it was worse
and each time
it got better

We inched forward
on the timeline
that we see
as Ours.      [ 2:22  See, that’s us, going forward together! ] 

Time is the womb of the One
that seeks to be born
and walk with Gods ~

Their Love Child

We are Awakening…

Each self
in the body of the One we are
to the Spirit that shines within us all.

We have been shown different ways of   [ 3:21 — 1:23 a different way! ]
so we can use our imagination
to Rise From the Ashes of Our cocoon
As we burnt through it.    [ 3:45  — Going Forward! ]

We are shining now and
it is burning off
the stuff that has gotten in our way.

Loving every piece of the reality we share;
I see you.

The point of the matter is moving into a
new way of experiencing
the matter that matters
and the spirit Within ~
because as focused as we have been on this world
we will be free in the next!

And we will be like a murmuration  [ 4:44  in four-mation! ]
a murmuration of human Nations and organizations
and the One we are begins to move
into coherence

and both Wings become
the flight of a bird
or a butterfly ~
a Phoenix,
or a dragon…

Bless you and all you do ~

the Magic in Ordinary Moments ~
the MOM
that we share ~
is embodied within and around you!

The more you notice
the more it happens ~

honor the flow…!

Just like you had to train your little body
when you came into this world ~

(but not nearly so long ~ because then we’ll be outside of time)

we are breaking through the Taurus of time that gives birth to itself.

It’s alive within each of us! Feel the flow
and we’ll all know
the glory                [ 7:07  A huge plane!* ]
of shining like a star!

* A huge plane flew over me on September 20/2020 when I named us GodSon.