white and blue floral textile

Thanks Unsplash.com for this depiction of (part of) Humanity woven together. May we find ways to include us all without delay.

The OhGs concept is far-reaching and powerful, imho; a gift far bigger than I am comfortable holding alone… but it was given to me, and we do what we are called to – or suffer the consequences.  Today’s world often requires us to turn away from our gifts and passions for financial or cultural reasons.
Denying our gifts and desires has created turmoil in our world and mental illness in us… so many of us…  If we cannot honour our life’s purpose and path, we struggle and become numbers in the statistics that underscore the problems. If it doesn’t kill us, we can make new decisions.
I believe our choices, when we make them with love and helpfulness, can validate all the experiences we’ve endured. All-That-Is (aka God, etc.) seeks our faith, participation and engagement with our gifts, given so we may weave them with others’ in this magnificent tapestry of reality.
So much is needed in this world. I believe we are each Divinely designed so we, together, create a present full of joy and abundance for each one of us. The puzzle comes together through expressing our gifts. Our primary collective lessons are:
  • coordinating forward action toward our common preferred future, and
  • learning how to ‘not miss a thing’.

The “hard parts” of those lessons are: poverty, inequality, apathy, inaccessibility. We can turn those hard parts into “the fun part” by paying attention to how, what and where we learn — once we know the purpose of a lesson, it’s a lot easier to help others through their hard parts.

“This is the fun part!” popped out of my mouth one day at a seemingly inappropriate moment. Because it was so odd, I had to wonder if it was MOM giving me a bit of guidance. Upon reflection, I realized: attitude is everything. If we go into a situation like it’s supposed to be fun, it most often is…