Pregnant Mother Earth

The vision of Black Elk’s circles of circles* is manifest in the circles we create for our conversations. 

We need to see the subjects of those conversations – and the essence of them. 

We need to know what We think.


This is the mind of the One We are.


*  “…the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the centre grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.”  Black Elk


In our practical life, each of us has the power to enhance our experience, or not. 

It might be noticed that if the people around you are happy, they treat you well, 

and you can be happy together. If You grow good food together 

You will learn to love each other—and begin to make agreements 

Like the agreements that resulted from conversations between bacteria 

That resulted in the multidimensional Being that You are.


I am You. You are ME (Mother Earth), and more… 

A spark of Your Father, on 

The Waters of Your Mother…

You are waking up – 

Emerging from the Womb of Time 

Working Your way through lessons of Pain, Power and Possession

Into the Younity that You are.


The sparks of your conversations and agreements 

And your coordinated actions 

Create the conditions of Birth. 


You deserve a name!

Would You like to be known as





We are the GreenMan!

Born to adore Her

We will restore Her — and adorn Her!!

She gave us Her life.


Find refuge in Her quiet places. 

Tuck yourselves and your crops 

With your kids and Elders

Your youth and all the others!

Come and build Your Heart — Our Heart

That will flow abundances

of Wonder and food for all —

Together you will rebuild the Structures of Community 

Destroyed in the growth of the Being You Are — 



We are each the centre of our own reality. 

When we merge them –

By association with each other –

That is when the new Structures form.


Together, You (re)create the Garden

That feeds AllOfUs — the Heart that pumps goodness throughout All That Is.


And the agreements that resulted in the you that you are

Will exponentially,

multi dimensionally

Magically and Powerfully

Coalesce into Being 

the next fractal –

Stepping up from bacteria through multi-celled organisms to Beyond Human!!


Does a cell in your body yearn for the life of a bacteria? 

Stand in your power!

Know there are no mistakes –

Just choices

And MOM. She is multidimensional too, and

As much “God” as any other human mind-construct. 


I recognize Her in the Magic in Ordinary Moments 

That enhance or change our lives in the most extraordinary ways.

She’s always a surprise (or invited)—and the more you notice Her

the more often something happens that couldn’t have been planned.


I like to cultivate that connection. 

MOM likes to be noticed, and appreciated. 

I like to take pictures of Her. 

When I open a device in order to do something and I see

the time as a sequence or pattern of numbers

I take a screenshot. And usually I say thank you, MOM!


The other day I got 9:11 ~ 

I asked; “Are You trying to tell me something?” and then She did…

I had opened my iPad to pull tarot cards, and so I did.

The cards warned of Lightning to come

Before the Moon is full again.


MOM told me:

Have courage; this too shall pass. 

Make choices for love and justice 

Be loving, kind and helpful. 

Listen to each other, and the whispers on the wind. 

Hold safely what’s precious. Honour the water.

Offer your hearts to the hearts of your community — embody unity.

Grow good food and love each other.

Feed the kids and each other.

Celebrate!  This is the fun part!

Until it’s not — and then you deal with it and come right back here. 

We’ll gather in Our Heart Gardens — virtually until real in our own communities…

A Garden of conversations that lead to agreements…!

To go deeper… the first tarot reading that contains a link to another