Ximena, Joan and Shannon are joined by Marco x2 – our gathering started with music but it got lost. Tech glitches under control, we talked about how there are already thousands of Our Heart Gardens out there, according to Stan Pokras who instigated the AfterChat of Humanity Rising. He’s also creating a wiki including all Humanity Rising’s daily guests and other activists – the list is here: OtherNetworks.org.  It is amazing – and free!

Then more on: Humanity Rising, Global Ecovillage Network Summit, Manifestation Magic and essential oils… Our pets and the Standing Ones are part of the One We Are…

For some reason, the iMovie will not load onto YouTube so I cannot add the video here. Such a shame; it was exactly an hour long.  MOM, why? Perhaps to highlight the benefits of co-creation and my desire/need for tech help… Do you feel the call? Are you able? Interested? Let’s play!

UPDATE:  HA! Behind my back, YouTube got it together – here’s the recording!!