As I have in every year of my life, on this 11th day of November, I was silent for a minute at 11:11. This year, I began drumming before that so I could stop at 11:11, and begin again at 11:12 to “bookend” and emphasize the silence of that minute, to amplify Our shared intention for Global Peace. Around the world in every timezone drums marked the beating of our global Heart. While our connection through FaceBook was impacted by a boycott, our heart connection felt strong.

I did other things differently this year, too. Instead of honouring only the soldiers who fought and died, in my heart I held every person involved in all wars, and all those who remain, fighting to stay afloat in this maelstrom of change. I remembered those who died without progeny, ancestors to no one; and I remembered those who are yet to come. I remembered the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and the children born from rape. I remembered the animals who give their lives every day and the plants who sustain All That Is through their generous, unhesitating gifts. Throughout, and eternally, I remember the One through Whom we rise – Gaia, the One Who gives us everything; Sol, the Star She spins around; and the One We collectively Are…

What is Our name? Are we Humanity? or WeAll? or AllOfUs? or are we, until some time in the future, simply a description, like the Green Man? or Gaia’s Child, the One Who was prophesied…

Through the remembering we are putting separation behind us. Agreeing that We are One invites the naming of us. Let us set our intentions upon the future with a name to embody, to reach for, to attain… a name that means something! What name would you choose for the One We Are?