New Living Room with Clock

In that moment, it said 12:03 – 

By the time I got to picture it, it had changed.

I had just come in, to transcribe my first download in my new home; as I sat I looked at the clock under the tv – It said 12:03 – and, because it’s the 2nd  time this morning I’ve had MOM visiting me, I laughed out loud. It happens often. I can’t remember what the first one was – maybe I will later! It’s the nature of the gift; holding the memory of the magic is hard. It’s the primary reason I write. If you don’t use it, you lose it – and writing the words captures the memory. Holding onto the past while riding the river on the crest of the wave, remembering the sequence of events gets challenging… and one wonders… at least, this one does! The key is to note, I think, not catching the 1-2-0-3 picture perfectly underscores the point that you CAN be too late, and it doesn’t change anything. But it changes everything. Also. 
Isn’t it fun to live in a paradox.   

(here insert a picture of two piers (docks) in a tropical paradise.)

A pair of docks

How to live in the knowing while not knowing –  (that was at 1:11… hehehe) 

Here’s the recording of today’s thoughtful meanderings…  (how can it still be 1:11 when I look at my phone to listen once again to the recording – final editing? – but I need power! Down to 5%) (next right thing, until the next right thing/opportunity calls for a decision /action…) :

Truth – I took a picture of the next part (which includes the above part) because I did it in gDocs and I like what it looks like. In my transitioning to this new website, I will learn how or I will take pictures of it there and put them here. I may not be able to edit them but I don’t have to write them twice (often having spoken them first!)

The point of all that is that the link to the recording is here, not there…

and another page…

here’s another…

Now, remembering my thoughts then (hehehe!), here’s what I wrote in reaction to…

one more page, please…

and that’s a wrap. Ready to publish… hit the button in – 1 2 -0- 3…. Go!