A series of synchronicities like sweet kisses from MOM and ceremony sets the stage for a waltz with “the One I speak to when I’m alone” …

I reflect on the One We Are in my Imagine-Nation, trains, Wild Church, Solstice Fire, the ceremony, the moonlight, the dance, the recording — it was made for You, the collective “I” (of which you are one), the One I speak to when I’m alone—

I made it so each of you will know how loved you are. I wonder if it’ll work…

You will not hear as I say to Her, “I have to go now.” A dog barks harshly, once. “It has been such a lovely evening. There’s work to be done and I must take care of this vessel that contains the blessed and beloved soul that is a part of You…”

Bless You, my Beloved Collective I; this singular I loves You beyond belief, and so do many many more…