When I’ve decided not to pay attention because it could be because I’ve been looking at the clock too much –so I’ve let some digital MOMs go by– but when I’m trying not to look at the clock and I STILL see 3:33 and 4:44 (and later, 5:55!) well, I gotta ask why… and so I did:

What would You like me to know right now?

4/Air – make the nest – I am! I’m writing the OhGs Seed Manifesto that is to weave safe and secure containers for people to thrive together, healing and helping each other grow good food and good kids – like the eggs in the picture.


What do I do with it?

7 The Canoe – go for your goal; you have companions who know the territory and can guide you. Time to put your all into it!


If I do…?

2 /Fire – consider your choice /opportunity… what does your heart want?


I want to let my soul have its way with me – I want to see what my soul wrote for me, back before I dropped into Time. How can I best serve my soul’s purpose?

2 How to Offer       1 Soul Needs       3 need from Spirit      4 How Can I Receive

Soul Needs: 9/Water – embrace the Light; trust the path
How to Offer: 14 Temperance (R) – balance as best I can between opposites
Need from Spirit: 9/Earth – a time of peace and plenty @ peak of potential
How Can I Receive: Elder of Water – go blindly on and watch the scene unfold

The following meanings of The Gaian Tarot cards are from the app for iPhone & iPad, www.foolsdog.com/Gaian and the creatrix of the deck, Joanna Colbert. The spread is based on the Gaian Spread on Apr 12, 2021 at 11:02 PM  (Ooo, nice numbers!)

Soul Needs – Nine of Water
This is a time of emotional fulfillment, dreams manifested, mystical experience, and connection to Spirit. What song of praise fills your heart at this time? You are overflowing with joy and peace. All is well.

How to Offer  – 14 ~ Temperance (Reversed)
Temperance offers the serenity of the middle way between polarities. Embrace the different parts of your personality and life’s experiences, both light and shadow, joyful and painful. This is an opportunity for the inner, spiritual life to harmonize with the external life of the workaday world.

Shadow side: There could be difficulty finding a balancing point between two polarities or sides of an issue, with one side or the other being more weighed down. Integration and healing are needed.

I asked for a clarifying card, to take me from (Temperance) How I can offer to satisfying Soul’s need (9 of Water). I got 0 The Seeker, and the sincere feeling that there’s a wink and a smile that goes with that!

0 ~ the Seeker (Upright)
You are starting a new journey, with a beginner’s mind. It’s time to hit the road, either metaphorically or literally. Be open to all the twists and curves in the road ahead. Before you is a brand new adventure — the chance for a fresh start and endless possibilities.

Need from Spirit /Soul – Nine of Earth
You’re at the peak of your creative powers, and are well paid for your work. You are connected to your family and community, yet have time alone for creative and spiritual pursuits. It is a time of peace and plenty in your life, both internal and external.

How Can I Receive – Elder of Water
The Elder of Water has a deep peacefulness in his soul and the ability to remain calm in the midst of turbulent emotions. Others seek out his comforting presence. This is someone known for his kindness, and his ability to deeply listen, especially to those in crisis.