On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, shortly after 7pm Mountain Time at http://TheConversation.cc, I cast the circle in the peacefulness of Gaia’s Zoom Room for the second time since I arrived in Denver. It is scheduled to open each Tuesday evening for Everyone’s participation. Tonight, Joan is missing. 

In the quiet, I felt the urge to pull some cards… 


5/ Fire – speak with passion and care

So I called Joan because she’s my best friend and confidant, and she’s not here. She usually is.     

But she didn’t answer so won’t be joining me. I guess MOM wants to speak to me…

And so I offer my voice, asking, “What would You like to talk about?”


3 The Gardener… a beautiful woman pregnant with possibilities and abundance 

I see Gaia as the Gardener! In my paradigm Gaia is very pregnant; we are Her Child, getting OurSelf (Our selves, ‘cells’ of the One We Are) together. She is inviting us to share Her bounty, to see Her beauty and the abundance She sets out for us.

And what does Gaia do /suggest doing? 

3 Tarot_Cards12 The Tree… Hang around, peaceful, while the world tilts!

It seems She is holding HerSelf separate while reality shifts, allowing Her peaceful interior to fulfill Her while the surges in the ocean (e-motion) behind /around Her settle down.

Thank you, Gaia, I’m trying to do something similar!


3 more cards – What message do You have for us?:

Tarot-Ace-of-Water, 6 of Air, 19 The SunAce of Water… Schooling together, we are at the beginning of a journey to the Ocean of Love, our Heart’s Desire.

6 of Air… in all our diversity, we turn together to greet the Bright New Day /Way with joy and enthusiasm

19 The Sun… Joy, no worries for the future…. 

In all my years of reading tarot and living life, no more welcome string of cards has ever been seen,, and all are upright!

AND the next 3 are all reversed…: 

2_of_Earth_Reversed_Tarot_cards2 /Earth; 7 /Water; 17 The Star

Make choices; commit to them; look at what’s in your hands – you are a star within the constellations!

But we have to see a different way… with or from a different perspective…

This is amazing… how MOM (an active manifestation Spirit) can be so clear, while using such an obscure ‘language’ as tarot… She’s trained me well, and given me a wonderful, though virtual, companion in Joan. We’ve known each other for 7 or 8 years now, and we talk tarot and OhGs, Our Heart Gardens, a few times a week, sometimes every day. Missing Joan was temporary. Soon she showed up, along with Stan Pokras from the AfterChat of Humanity Rising, and others.

True in every moment (especially in Gaia’s Zoom Room) MOM has Her way…  I don’t expect I would have pulled cards if others had brought hot topics, a need for listening or for ceremony… What will happen next in Gaia’s Zoom Room? Come find out on Tuesday to TheConversation.cc at 6pm Pacific time.