This is the transcription – just in case you don’t have time to enjoy me sharing a chuckle and a whimsy:

Good morning, I just wanted to say that
Cannabis helps in self-division
kinda like cell division
~ speaking from one of the All that we are.

The things that occur, and occur to you
while sitting in the midst of beauty
seems especially lovely and splendid because of
being seen through the lens of You.

Each one of our perspectives adds
another facet to the beauty that Our Great Mother gives
and allows and creates
In every moment of our lives – She is –
We couldn’t be if not for She.

I am gleeful in the gift that She gives
that is plant medicine ~
that we may get out of the way and allow
the communion with Her that is truly visceral ~
the pleasures of life come from without! (Coffee! mmmm!)
Thank you for the exquisiteness of the weavings that
You create us in… (and in us!)

Coffee and cannabis – a lovely way to wake up in the morning!  (aka “wake and bake”!!)