OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room – 2021 05 11

Ximena, Joan and Shannon are joined by Marco x2 – our gathering started with music but it got lost. Tech glitches under control, we talked about how there are already thousands of Our Heart Gardens out there, according to Stan Pokras who instigated the AfterChat...

OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room – 2021 05 04

Music and website and plans for a 13 month calendar and One World Time (UTC) for the One We Are – all subjects touched on by Shannon and Joan, with a brief appearance by Alex, Joan’s life/playmate, to discuss the 28 day calendar he’s creating and the...

OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room – 2021 04 27

Another cozy conversation between Shannon McArthur and Joan Hardy, talking about Our Heart Gardens (OhGs!)  Joan offers questions to help develop the website that will support what wants to emerge. Glen Anderson’s Non-Violent Communications, Movement Making and...