Back in Blue Sky time…

August 1, 2021 Today I went back to find a recording for friends to listen to. They like the sound of my voice. I went to quickly find something and send it on. I figured it’d be easier to find a post with a recording than to start from scratch. The first one I saw...

Drum Circle for The Green Man at Humanity Rising

NOn Day 253 of Humanity Rising, I embraced the opportunity to join Sabinije von Gaffka, and others, in appreciating Jim Garrison, Founding President and CEO of Ubiquity University. (Find the recording here. My presentation is at about 1:15:55.) For a full year it has...

Let’s Dance… a Solstice Dance

A series of synchronicities like sweet kisses from MOM and ceremony sets the stage for a waltz with “the One I speak to when I’m alone” … I reflect on the One We Are in my Imagine-Nation, trains, Wild Church, Solstice Fire, the ceremony, the moonlight, the dance, the...