Tarot is a language I learned to help Spirit talk to me.


Through MOM, the

Magic in Ordinary Moments 

that make things happen that “are not possible”,

the cards are a language we share.


Today, the cards are set upon a silken pillow I made from a dress my mother made from material my father gave her. The question before me is: Peace LAB is over; what next…?


I asked for 3 cards to be placed:

centre first, then left, and then right.

to result in the spread:


/  NOW  / 




From the bottom of the deck

(To wrap it up for you, MOM’s guidance is: our magic is blocked; we don’t see the beauty of the gifts that we are; we are poised to fly; we don’t need a map; the gardener awaits.


To see the reading, read on…


This is now, in the centre – the Present Reality

2 The Priestess Reversed – something’s blocking the magic.



The things we don’t see are behind us (on the left)

3 of Fire Reversed – the things we are

through which we shine


The things we can be are before us (on the right)

Ace of Air Reversed – poised for flight


Hidden wisdom lies on the bottom of the deck

in the dark.

7 of Air Reversed – go forward without a map!!


When I turned the deck over

to add these cards to them ~


3 The Gardener smiled generously at me


Words from Joanna Powell-Colbert’s book are copied here, to help you learn the language of the Gaian Tarot, too (emphasis is mine!) The following was created using The Gaian Tarot app for iPhone & iPad, www.foolsdog.com/Gaian


Question: We have finished Peace Week/LAB. It was fun and challenging and successful. What now?

Now is in the centre, left is what we don’t see and the right is what we could be. 

Note: I often read Reversals differently than what the book sets out. Gaia and I agree; for me, the energy of the card is the same but is blocked or different somehow. This is really important in this reading as all but the last card is reversed… Yes, it is significant. What do you think?


NOW – 2 ~ the Priestess (Reversed)


It is time to go within and develop non-linear, non-rational ways of knowing. Pay close attention to your dreams. Let your intuition flow. Listen to the still small voice within. It is the Lady’s voice, and it speaks of mysteries, secrets, and truth.


Shadow side: Someone may be denying or devaluing non-linear, “irrational” ways of knowing. Are you ignoring your dreams and the messages they bring? You, or someone important to you, may be caught up in delusion or illusion or spending too much time in otherworldly reality.


WHAT WE  DON’T SEE – Three of Fire (Reversed)


You are on fire with the joy of creativity, sexuality, and self-empowerment. Nothing will hold you back from expressing yourself with great abandonment and rowdiness. Be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Who knows where your passion, creativity, and magic will take you next?


Shadow side: You are feeling self-conscious about expressing yourself. This is not the time for inhibitions or restraint. Your challenge is to let go of self-doubt and let your brilliance shine in the world.


WHAT WE COULD BE – Ace of Air (Reversed)


You are emerging from a period of gestation, and are blossoming with new ideas, thoughts or decisions. You may find it easy to change out-moded ideas, habits or attitudes. Your mind is in harmony with your heart, and you are lighthearted, joyful and beautiful.


Shadow side: You would prefer to stay warm and cozy in the chrysalis and not go through the coming metamorphosis. Your mind and heart are in disagreement. Your challenge is to find within yourself the determination to take flight.


HIDDEN WISDOM – Seven of Air (Reversed)


Time to strategize, plan and prepare to move in a new direction. When we examine a map and consider all the alternate routes we might take, the map itself begins to form our worldview. At some point, we need to fold up the map and get back on the path.


Shadow side: You may feel stuck. Or you may be stumbling around without a plan. Clarify your goal and start taking steps towards it. Plans and strategies will only take us so far. Trust the journey and the lessons that may come along the way.


WHEN ALL ARE BROUGHT TOGETHER – 3 ~ the Gardener (Upright)


It is a time of great fertility and abundance for you. You are pregnant with new creations — an art form, book, project, even a baby. Your appetite for connection, sensuality and creativity seems boundless.


Shadow side: You may be experiencing infertility or a lack of abundance in your life. Remember that seeds are still alive, hibernating underground. You may be experiencing poor health and could be disconnected from the natural world. Get out into the garden and play in the mud.