OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room 2021 03 09

Another warm and wonderful conversation with friends in Gaia’s Zoom Room at TheConversation.cc – they are such nice people there! Today we talked about the Kermode Bear that’s living in Kamloops and that appears behind me in my virtual background. We...

Guidance from MOM – Tarot for Peace LAB

Tarot is a language I learned to help Spirit talk to me.   Through MOM, the Magic in Ordinary Moments  that make things happen that “are not possible”, the cards are a language we share.   Today, the cards are set upon a silken pillow I made from a dress my...

MOM Gives us Full+ Marks!

On March 5  I sent the following email to ChatAction and the Peace LAB core group: I want you to know just how good you all are in the eyes of the Divine – yesterday, after the nap I took after the AfterChat, I woke and opened my phone at exactly 1:00… ...

OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room – 2021 03 03

A warm and vivid conversation with friends in Gaia’s Zoom Room  – I shared my draft presentation for Humanity Rising’s Peace LAB, Day 4 – At the Intersection of Beliefs, The Arts and Transformation. Our conversation then went off in all sorts...

OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room

Another lovely evening talking about Our Heart Gardens and all things associated (isn’t EVERYTHING?) including Peace Week March 1-5 being cocreated with ChatAction which came into being through the chat of Humanity Rising, the inspiration of Jim Garrison of...