MOM’s Video Playlist

As I walk the path of the line of my life I’ve been making videos… It’s been fun, learning how and telling the stories that I have marvelled at,  wondered about and been inspired by. Come see the playlist I’ve created – allow me to share...

OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room 2021 05 25

A gentle conversation with stories of MOM and OhGs, developments in the Butler Urban Garden leading to thoughts of gardens in our hearts manifesting in reality; life lines woven by MOM provide information and opportunities to Ximena in Mexico; pictures, including orbs...

Humanity IS Rising

  Contrary to much of what is said and seen, from my point of view, Humanity IS rising. Follow my trail… Outside of Time everything happens all at once; therefore, from outside of Time all Time is accessible always (“time travel” is possible though...

Gaia Asks for Light/Love

Dear Fellow Humans, a request has been received.. Our help is needed now.  We have the power to help.. At 4:30am one recent morning my friend, Malini, was awakened by Spirit with a message for me, as a priestess of Gaia. Why it wasn’t me who was awakened comes...

OhGs Gaia’s Zoom Room – 2021 05 18

Gaia’s Zoom Room opens with music and images offered by Joan Hardy. Marco shares a twisted Taiwanese highrise being built that absorbs an amazing amount of carbon through the trees and plants in the design. We shared stories of insects we’ve met, roofs,...